Wednesday, December 28, 2016
12/28 - Rossmoor and Soup Day
13 of us walked the half mile along the ridge from Shadowhawk Way to the labyrinth. The group split/splintered for the return with some heading back to Cactus Ct on foot, some retracing steps to the cars, others walking part way and waiting for pickup. At Jeanne's we were joined by Caroline Giers who returned late last night from Chicago. Lots of good food and chatter followed. It was a lovely day and this was a fine way to end the old year and look forward to good times together in 2017.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
11/30 - Walnut Creek Open Space
A baker's dozen of us started from the end of Snyder Lane on a gray, overcast morning and walked up the Sulpher Creek Tr. and down to Borges Ranch for lunch. We returned via Costanoan Trail. 4 miles with lots of up and down, but no rain.
The highlight of the day was our encounter with a master dog walker. He had perfect control over 22 dogs of almost that many breeds. Lots of hand gestures and subtle commands and they all behaved beautifully.
11/23 - Mulholland Ridge
Starting from the Hall Dr. end we walked the ridge which separates Moraga Valley from Orinda and Rheem. We made a loop of just over a mile and a half, first along the ridge and then down the slope on a single track trail to meet Alice Lane before returning to the cars.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
11/16 So Shore Briones Reservoir
Our very big group (16 to start, but Ron and Sylvia turned back early) started from both the parking area at the dam and also the trailhead at Bear Creek Rd and Happy Valley Rd. We met at the benches on the point for an early lunch and all went back to the dam overlook parking lot. The"through" hikers walked 3.56 miles; the out and return group 2.8. It was cool in the shade, but we were mostly sheltered from the wind which had quite a nip to it. It was a lovely day to be out and there was lots to see! We needed someone (Delia???) to help with fungus id as we saw lots and many were ones we hadn't seen before.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
11/9 - Mitchell Canyon and Olofson Ridge
Today was one of those days when we really needed the healing of nature and the consolation of like-minded friends. Thank goodness for the Wednesday Walkers!
There were 14 of us today. It was more like summer than November, warm, bright and lovely. New grass contrasting with brilliant grape leaves. We took the Mitchell Canyon Rd as far as White Canyon, then Red Rd up to the junction with Olofson Ridge Rd. From the junction to the park boundary is .8 mile. Half the group went the entire way, the remainder stopped before the last climb. This was an out and back hike (5 or 5.25 miles).
FYI...The Mount Diablo Review, Spring 2004, says:
MITCHELL CANYON TRAIL Isaac Mitchell (1829-1921) was a native of Kentucky. He came to Contra Costa County in 1849 with the gold rush, and initially engaged in farming in the San Ramon Valley. He later purchased a large tract of land in the canyon where he lived until his death. He and his wife had six children.
OLOFSON RIDGE ROAD The Olofson family, John Peter Olofson (1834-1903) and his wife Clarissa Olofson (1840-1913) and their seven children homesteaded 138-acres in the vicinity of Mitchell Canyon beginning in 1886. John emigrated from his native Stockholm, Sweden at the age of 14. He arrived in San Francisco in 1848, and initially was a dockworker. He married his wife in 1857. She emigrated from Liverpool, England.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
11/2 - Old San Pablo Dam Rd
It was a very nice walk for our large (14) group. It was lovely after our October rain with lots of green showing, plenty of toyon berries glowing red, burnished buckeye fruit, red of PO. Birds were plentiful, juncos and sparrows, flickers calling and greebs, ducks, gulls and white pelicans on the reservoir. Really a nice day to be out. 4.6 miles give or take as groups explored sections of the Lakeview Tr.
But it was nearly a very bad day.. We car-pooled over because of the $7 parking/entrance fee and as we were getting ready to hike I couldn't find the camera. Well, I must have left it in the trunk of my car. Back to the cars after the hike and no camera. Looked at home. No camera anywhere. Gloom. Then the phone rang; Ron with whom I had ridden had found the camera. It had rolled into a back corner of the rear area of the SUV and was hidden from plain view. Whew. will show the map of the hike.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
10/19 Arbolado Park
Big group today! Ron and Sylvia were back from their trip, Monique could join us, Karoline felt she could manage the flat terrain and Ulla's niece, visiting from Berlin, was along as well so 16 of us walked from the San Miguel shopping center lot to San Miguel Park where we joined the Ygnacio Canal Trail. We walked the trail as far as Arbolado Park where Jeanne met us. After lunch we discussed issues on the current ballot. Return was via the same route, but Jeanne ferried several drivers back to their cars and only 7 walked both ways. It is 2.9 miles from where we parked to the lunch spot.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
10-12 Las Trampas to Rossmoor
This was a new experience as we had hiked only part of this before (and even then not since October 2013). The connection to the Rossmoor trails makes a one-way hike possible. But the Veltman Tr descent is very steep and slippery. Shirley said once was enough for her. Wonderful views and some beautiful, isolated country. Good to have done it. We hiked from the end of Hemme Ave, up Ringtail Cat Tr and Madrone Tr. We took the Clyde Wood Tr along the southwest rim of Rossmoor and descended to Terra Granada entrance 14 where Pat picked up the drivers and delivered them back to Danville. The rest of us followed Polly back to her house. Distances were 4 (drivers) and 4.78 (everyone else) miles.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
10/5 Lafayette Ridge
A dozen of us made three different loops starting from the parking area at the end of Springhill Rd. in Lafayette. We all walked out Buckeye Ranch Tr. Jeanne, Polly and Pat turned off and made a short loop which avoided the steep sections. The rest of us trudged up to Lafayette Ridge (376 feet in just over 1/3 mile with some down & back up, too). Ed & John took off for more "up" and made the loop over to the Briones Ridge and Sunrise Trails, then returning down Buckeye Ranch Tr. The rest of us walked the undulating (sometimes steeply so) Lafayette Ridge Tr to Springhill Tr and back to the start. We had lunch at the large picnic table near the entrance gate as we waited for John and Ed. Mileage varied from 1.3 to 2.3 to at least 4.3. But the grade made that middle distance seem at least twice as far!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
9/21 Hoo-Koo-E-Koo Tr.
10 of us started from the end of Crown Road (Kentfield, I think). We followed the Hoo-Koo-E-Koo Trail to the junction with the road of the same name, had lunch, then retraced our steps. It was warm in the sun, but pleasant in the shade. Just over 3 miles.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
9/14 - Pine Canyon from Castle Rock Park
It was a lovely day to wander in the Mount Diablo foothills! 13 of us started from Castle Rock Regional Recreation Area and walked back Pine Canyon. Sylvia and Meadow turned around after the first mile. Mis-communication meant that the original plan to only go as far as the picnic tables at the junction of Stage Rd and Little Yosemite Trail had to be changed. A group of four went on past the junction with Burma Rd before turning back; the rest of us walked nearly to Pine Pond before turning around. Distances were approximately 4.2 and 4.6 miles.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
09/07 Hayward Regional Shoreline
A hot day inland and a warm one even by the Bay! But 14 of us enjoyed a leisurely walk along the Cogswell Marsh at Hayward Regional Shoreline. Jeanne hiked with us today for the first time since last fall! and John was back from his summer in London. The tide was out. Shorebirds were busy in the mudflats. There were even a few flowers. 2.6 miles.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
8-31 Joaquin Miller Park
A lucky 13 of us walked in Joaquin Miller Park today. We started up the Palos Colorados Trail along Palo Seco Creek, looped out to Lookout Point for an early lunch, and returned to the cars down Sinawik Trail and a few blocks through the neighborhood, followed by a straight shot along Mountain Blvd. About 2 3/4 miles.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
8-24 Redwood Regional Park
A 3.78 mile walk in the redwoods today! There were 11 of us on the counterclockwise loop out Stream Trail, up Mill and French and down Chown to the Bridle Tr. Lunch at the junction of the Bridle Tr and Stream Tr. Very dry and dusty, but still lovely, especially up along Mill and French Trails. It was nice to have shade for most of the hike, especially the up hill sections.
8-17 Tennessee Valley
Cool, grey coastal fog!
11 of us walked out to the coast and back along Tennessee Valley (3.75 mi). We had lunch at the beach. It was very foggy and the wind had a bite to it, but by the time we returned to the cars, the sun was beginning to come thru and it was pleasantly warm. Not lots of flowers, but a few if you looked. Beginning to be much like fall with reddening blackberry leaves, drying bracken and rose hips.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
8-10 - Steam Trains to Sibley
There were 11 of us today for a 4.25 mile hike from the Steam Train parking lot on Grizzly Peak Blvd to Sibley RP for lunch and back as far as the Tunnel Rd trailhead where we had left Shirley's car as a shuttle for drivers. Altho it was mostly very dry, there were spots in the section between the start and where the trail crosses Fish Ranch Road that were quite damp from fog drip.
Monday, August 8, 2016
08/03 - Pt Richmond
There were 15 of us today for 2.8 mile walk at Pt Richmond. We began at the park across from the Natatorium and worked our way clockwise. Shirley's map indicated several possibilities for different ways to reach Buena Vista Ave. Unfortunately the map was outdated. We did get to see some different streets, tho. There was plenty of opportunity to snoop at the gardens we passed and It is always enjoyable to visit the "Wave Garden" for lunch.
7/20 - Briones Reservoir
Eleven of us walked the north shore (Oursan Trail) of Briones Reservoir starting from the parking lot on Bear Creek Rd. Three turned back before lunch. It was a bright summer day; thank goodness for a breeze! The last time we did the hike was in December of 2011 and we intended to have lunch in the same spot we chose then. That didn't happen; we went a bit further as you can see from the marker on the map. 6.7 miles today vs 5.4 in 2011.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Caples Week
This is probably more than you need to know about the past week at Caples. We had beautiful weather and wonderful hikes. The flowers were late this year and we saw some for the first time in many years, while others were not yet ready to bloom. It is a special place and the companionship of like-minded friends makes it even better.
The cast
Arriving Saturday: Lee and Chuck McCaffrey
Arriving Sunday: Susan, Jeanne and Polly;
Debbie and her friend Kathy from Nevada;
Judy from Oregon; Ulla and Karen;
Bob; Juanita
Arriving Monday: Phred and Elaine,
Mike and Laura (Phred's brother/sister-in-law);
Sunday - arrival; 12 for dinner at cabin 2
Lee and Chuck hiked from Schneider's Camp to the Meiss Crest with a loop to Showers
Mormon Emigrant Rd - Karen and Ulla stopped for the lilies
Old Hwy 88
Ulla and Karen met Judy at Red Lake and used this for a warm-up/scouting hike. Very windy, but plenty to see.
Monday - remaining arrivals; dinner out (5 at Sorensons and 11 at Kirkwood Inn)
Charity Valley
There were 10 of us on this "first" hike. It is the first time since 2012 that we have gone this way and we went further along the trail than the point where the trail descends over the granite to meet the trail to Burnside Lake. On the return we took the low way along the meadow. Total distance about 5.3 miles.
The Jacksons picked up Jeanne and walked part of Old Hwy 88. Ed arrived early afternoon and wandered a bit on his own. Debbie and her friend Kathy hiked to Thunder Mountain.
Tuesday - 16 for dinner at cabin 2
Woods-Winnemucca-Round Top
Six hikers made this loop (5.2 miles, 1200' elevation difference); the other 10 started from Carson Pass and walked various trail combinations, but no others went to Round Top.
Wednesday - Judy, Jeanne and Debbie left in the afternoon; 13 for dinner at cabin 2
Starting from the trailhead below Carson Pass:
Lee, Chuck and Karen rambled the east side below Red Lake Peak about 3 1/2 miles, much of it off trail. Susan and Polly (and eventually Debbie) worked their way up the west side (Meiss Crest). Ulla took Bob and Ed to Showers Lake (nearly 10 miles there and back). The Jacksons hiked at Kirkwood and found Snow Plant and Steer's Head!
Thursday - Reduced numbers: Jackson's, Juanita and McCaffrey's left after breakfast
Susan, Polly and Ed walked Old Hwy 88 and then went to Markleeville for lunch. Bob, Ulla and Karen hiked a loop at Kirkwood (4.5 mi and didn't find the Snow Plant).
Misc views at Caples Lake Resort
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
07/06 - Briones
Thirteen of us today. It was bright and breezy, clear but with fog still visible along the East Bay Hills. We hiked out Abrigo Valley to the Santos Trail; then Briones Crest Tr to Deer Creek Tr. 10 of us made the extra (half mile each way) trek from the junction of the Deer Creek and Pereira Trails to the knob above the Dickson Memorial; we retraced our steps to join the other three and return down Deer Creek Tr to the cars. The longer hike was 4.7 miles; the shorter 3.7.
Do check out the description on the panoramic shots (double click the image to see more than just the title). The views were really amazing!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
6/22 - Joaquin Miller and Roberts
3 miles in the shade of Joaquin Miller Park and Roberts Recreation Area felt about perfect today! However at lunch most of us got chilled and wished for a bit of sun. In fact the warm cars felt really good at the end of the hike.
A dozen of us started from the parking pull out on Skyline Dr. We went up Bayview Tr to the riding ring, crossed the road into Roberts Recreation area, joined the Roberts Ridge Tr by the Rotary cabins, mozied down to the redwood grove, found the navigation tree monument, had lunch and returned to the cars via Big Trees Tr.
Meadow decided to go for a solo adventure as we neared the equestrian ring and Sylvia and Ron got their exercise in hunting for her. Luckily she was recaptured! They left a note on Shirley's car which we found on our return.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
6/15 - Lake Lagunitas
There were 11 of us today; most hiked about 2.6 miles. It seemed longer tho as there was so much to see! We made a counter clockwise loop: through the picnic area and up the steps to the dam, then Lagunitas-Rock Springs Rd, Lake Lagunitas Rd, Lake View Rd and Pilot Knob Tr.
Special flowers included Asyneuma prenanthoides, Piperia transversa, Spiranthes porrifolia, Navarretia viscidula and LOTS of Calochortus luteus! This is just a "teaser" :-)
Thursday, June 9, 2016
06/08 - Mt Diablo
11 Wednesday Walkers explored the south side of Mt Diablo. We started from Blue Oak Picnic Area and took Green Ranch Road to the old Green Ranch home site for lunch then returned to the cars via the Oak Knoll Trail.
After a bit of trauma (Ed had a flat tire and Sylvia missed the turn to the trailhead), we started from the parking area just past Blue Oak picnic area and walked east to the Green Ranch site (lunch stop) then returned via Oak Knoll Tr. Only 2.6 miles, but lots to see and enjoy. Just like May 2015, we saw masses of C. venustus, the white Mariposa, and lots of Brodiaea elegans. We also saw the third bloom of the fire-followers whispering bells and golden ear drops.
For some history of the Green Ranch see:
For pictures of today's hike:
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
6/1 Annual Spring Luncheon
On a very windy day 18 of the regular walkers headed to Benicia for the annual spring luncheon. Karoline made arrangements at the Union Hotel and that was an excellent choice. Before lunch we wandered about the 1st street area, explored the community garden and helped improve the local economy. Susan invited us to her house after lunch for tea and cookies and more good conversation. It was a lovely way to wrap up another spring!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
5/25 - Shell Ridge (WCOS)
Shirley had planned to walk the Green Ranch Rd on Mt Diablo, but the morning started very foggy with no mountain even visible. The thought of walking in wind blown fog was not very appealing so we changed course and hiked at Shell Ridge (WC Open Space) which was below the fog. The group of 11 were treated to donuts by the McDougalls which was a wonderful way to start.
From the Sutherland Dr. entrance to Shell Ridge Open Space we walked clockwise around the "balloon" on the map: Fossil Hill Tr, Corral Springs Tr, Deer Lake Tr, Upper Buck Loop Tr, back to Corral Springs Tr to Ginder Gap then up Ridge Top Tr. with lunch in the shade of oaks below the ridge and finally down the single track on the north side of the ridge to rejoin Fossil Hill Tr.. 4.65 miles.
It really is turning into summer, with dry grass and lots of Clarkia.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
5/18 Pt Pinole
It was a good group today: 14 humans and Meadow, the lab. Shirley chose Pt Pinole to avoid the inland heat and it was a great idea as the Bay breezes were pleasantly cool. We walked a clockwise route with lunch in the eucalyptus grove just south of the fishing pier. Most of us walked about 4.25 miles. There was real pleasure of seeing flowers we didn't expect: Calochortus luteus and Brodiaea elegans.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
5/11 - Briones
A warm day welcomed Ron and Sylvia's return after a month long trip to Israel and Jordan. Ten of us hiked us out the Seaborg Tr., up to Crest Tr and down Valley Tr to Old Briones Rd. Our lunch stop was on the far side of the gate where Yerba Buena Tr starts up the ridge; this gave us some shade as well as freedom from cow "pies". It was a bit over a 5 mile circle with an elevation change of about 700' up then down.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
5/4 - Sunol
10 of us started from the Green Barn parking lot on a very overcast, hazy Wednesday. We made a clockwise loop up Indian Joe Creek Tr to Cave Rocks Rd, then up to Cerro Este Rd. Most of the group returned via McCorkle Tr, but Ed, his friend Larry, Ulla and Karen took Cerro Este Rd down to Little Yosemite and then Camp Ohlone Rd back to the parking lot. Each group saw flowers the other didn't: Calochortus luteus on Canyon View Tr vs. C. venustus and Clarkia elegans on Ohlone Rd. We all saw lots of butterfles; it seemed as if the checkerspots had just emerged as many were very easily approachable, especially on the upper section of Indian Joe.
Distances were 5.2 miles (the big group) or 6.2 miles (the 4) with elevation gain (and loss) of 1330'
Thursday, April 21, 2016
4/20 Mt Diablo
It was a beautiful day, not too warm and with a nice breeze, and there were lots of flowers, but it is a hike which feels much, much longer than the 5 miles from Juniper Camp to Devil's Elbow via Bald Ridge and Prospector's Gap. Thank goodness Karoline and Shirley were there to shuttle Susan, Elaine and Phred back to Juniper Camp. We were all more than a little tired.
It was especially interesting for me to compare the flowers Ulla and I had seen the day before when we hiked Donner Canyon. Of course there was some overlap, but, for example, the Ericameria was in full, extravagant bloom on Wednesday's hike and almost completely gone to seed on Tuesday's. Same with the Clematis. Tuesday the display of silvery seed heads was eye catching; Wednesday there were a few fading flowers, but the seedheads had not really formed. Tuesday we saw Fairy Lanterns enough to light the whole kingdom; Wednesday we only saw a few buds. But Wednesday we saw the Fritillaria affinis in flower, whereas Tuesday all we saw were fat seeds. And so it went.
4/19 Donner Cyn & Falls Tr
Not a Wednesday hike, a Karen and Ulla hike, but the flowers were too good not to share!
We started from the Regency Dr entrance, walked up the Donner Canyon Fire Rd to Cardinet Oaks Rd. Then Falls Trail to Middle Trail. Back to Donner Canyon Rd then down Hetherington Tr til we rejoined the Rd near the Cabin site. 5.4 miles with elevation gain/loss of about 1000'.
The hike was interesting for several reasons: 1) it was almost exactly 4 years (4-18-2012) since we last did the hike and 2) it was good to compare what two weeks of spring weather had done to the flowers we saw when the group hiked there at the beginning of the month.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
04/13 Ring Mountain
Ten of us started from the end of Westward Drive and made a loop up the Phyllis Ellman Tr to the Ring Mt Fire Rd with stops at the Petroglyph Rock and Turtle Rock. Then we headed out to the actual peak and had lunch overlooking the Bay. Return was via the Loop Tr. This is a short walk, only about 2.6 miles, but, Oh, the flowers! Masses of blue eyed grass, tidy tips the size of half dollars, poppies and (a first for me) the Calochortus umbellatus (Oakland Star-tulip). Many tahanks to Phred and Elaine for suggesting this walk!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
04/06 - Donner and Back Canyons, Mt Diablo SP
Only 9 of us were brave enough to venture out on what was forecast to be a stinky hot day. We were rewarded with lots of green, water in the creeks and flowers! We hiked out Donner Canyon Rd to the Donner Cabin site, then took the Hetherrington Tr along the creek and rejoining Donner Canyon Rd. We turned downhill as far as Tick Wood Tr which we took around the point to meet the Back Creek Tr. Lunch was in a shady spot along the creek. These trails have lots of shade and there was a nice breeze now and then, so we really didn't find it overly warm. The cars were hot on our return, tho. We parked on Mountaire Pkwy this time as Regency has been so crowded on past visits. Of course this time it wasn't. Distance about 3.3 miles.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
03/30 Perkins Canyon (Mt Diablo St. Park)
Twelve of us started from the entrance on Morgan Territory Rd just past the toxic pools. Sylvia and Ron split off early on as their time was limited. The rest of us followed the utility access road up the slopes which form the south east side of North Peak until it dead ended at a pair of PG&E transmission towers. After a lunch break we retraced our steps as far as the side trail which returns to the valley. A brief detour to the creek and then we went down to the dam. Ulla and Karen went on and found the 2nd dam. We all ended up back at the cars at close to the same time.
It was a short walk, a little over 2.5 miles for most; closer to 3 for Ulla and Karen, but with all the flowers and views we were not back to the pink wall until close to 3. Elevation gain was about 660' in just under a mile from the cars to the lunch spot.
There were lots of flowers on the south facing slope we climbed before lunch; lots of regrowth with only occasional evidence of the intense Morgan Fire of Sept 2013.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
03/23 Morgan Territory
There were 13 of us on a bright, breezy, post storm day. We started together walking north on Condor Trail, but soon split into smaller groups. One group (at least) looped out along Prairie Falcon Tr and then back to Volvon. Mary and Karoline cut across to Blue Oak via Hummingbird and 6 of us continued north to where Blue Oak joins Volvon, then circled back. Ulla and Susan made the lollipop loop out around Bob Walker Ridge. I'm not sure what John, Ed and Monique did. Distances ranged from about 3 to nearly 7 miles.
We were prepared to have mostly green with oaks, but were treated to the best display of Triphysaria eriantha - Butter 'n' Eggs or Johnny Tuck - that any of us can recall.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
03/16 Lake Merritt
Eleven of us started from the boat house and walked clockwise around the lake. We visited the Oakland Museum (Thank You, Jeanne, for the guest passes) to view the Suiseki exhibit with Polly as a private docent, eat lunch and explore other exhibits and the museum shop. On the return part of the walk, a group of us detoured to the Cathedral of Christ the Light. 3.8 miles, not including walking about the museum!
Here is the link to a 1913 recording of "I Love You California" from The Library of Congress.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
03/02 Rockville Hills
There were 9 of us today on what will (hopefully) be the last dry day before the promised March rains. We made a 3 mile, counter-clockwise loop from the parking area up Quarry Tr to Ranch Rd, then up to the Rock Garden, across May-December Tr, around the knoll, down to the big pond for lunch and back down Tilly Loop Tr to the cars. Plenty of flowers as you will see.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
02/24 Black Diamond
There were 11 of us on a glorious spring day in Black Diamond Regional Park. We usually only find the white shooting stars in the field above Jim's Place. Today they were there right at the start! Wild cucumber was everywhere. And the Indian Warriors were having a pow-wow. And birds...several varieties of hawks, vultures, jays, juncos, flicer, and I heard chickadees and nuthatches. The group started together up the Chaparral Loop Tr, but we soon separated into sub-groups. The darker pink on the map is the route Susan, Phred, Elaine and I took and after lunch also John and Ulla. The lighter pink is the route for the others, I think. Mileage varied widely. Those of us who extended the loop to Coal Canyon walked about 5.5 miles. The others less.
Something new this time...If you have double clicked a picture so you can see the description, you will note that I have indicated on which trail the picture was taken.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
02/17 Redwood RP
The original plan was to hike at Rockville Hills today, but the weather was unsettled and at the last minute we opted to stay closer to home.
Eight of us enjoyed a very windy walk in Redwood Regional Park, starting from the Skyline Gate. We went out the East Ridge Tr, down Prince Trail to Stream Trail. It was too early for lunch even for us, so we wandered a bit in the valley. Ulla and John made a loop up Mill to French and down Fern; the rest of us stayed on Stream as far as Chown and then returned. We lunched at the tables by the bridge crossing. Return was up Stream to Eucalyptus to Phillips Loop and back to East Ridge and the cars. Distances varied but ranged from 4.5 to 4.75 miles.
Highlights were lots of Trillium ovatum and masses of ladybugs!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
2/10 Mt Diablo
It was much too warm for February (low 70s), but absolutely lovely! There were sufficient manzanitas in bloom to satisfy us and lots of green hills, too. The trails were dry underfoot tho which makes us all concerned about rain.
Our hike started at Curry Point and went out Knobcone Point Rd to Balancing Rock. We went just a bit further than the green gate (SMD Curry Canyon Ranch property) and had lunch overlooking Sycamore Canyon Rd and Blackhawk Ridge. We retraced our route after lunch. About 4.5 miles.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
1-27 Carquinez/Crockett Hills
A bright blowy day between rains! Ten of us followed the advise of Phred and Elaine and headed to Carquinez Strait to see the Dirca in bloom. Not only did we see the Dirca, there were also Ribes and Osoberry and LOTS of mushrooms! And the mud was nowhere near as bad as it could have been. It was such a nice day that we added a bit of Crockett Hills RP to our walk. Mileage ranged from 3 to a bit over 3.25 miles
Saturday, January 23, 2016
1/20 UC Botanic Garden
Seventeen of us were glad to have a rain-free Wednesday for our first get together of 2016. Since it was too muddy for our normal hike down Strawberry Canyon, we strolled around the Garden and then Lee McCaffree was our private docent for the exhibit of art work from the Alcatraz Florilegium project.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
The first two Wednesdays in January have been either raining or threatening and regular walks have been cancelled. But, hurrah for El Niño, we do need the moisture!
Soup Day 12/30/15
Polly led 15 Wednesday Walkers on an exploration of stairs and pathways on the west side of Rossmoor. It was a misty, drizzly day and not at all warm. A perfect day for SOUP! Back at Jeanne's we enjoyed hors d'oeuvres, soup and cookies accompanied by good conversation. It was a very nice way to end the year.
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