Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10-12 Las Trampas to Rossmoor

This was a new experience as we had hiked only part of this before (and even then not since October 2013).  The connection to the Rossmoor trails makes a one-way hike possible. But the Veltman Tr descent is very steep and slippery. Shirley said once was enough for her. Wonderful views and some beautiful, isolated country. Good to have done it.  We hiked from the end of Hemme Ave, up Ringtail Cat Tr and Madrone Tr. We took the Clyde Wood Tr along the southwest rim of Rossmoor and descended to Terra Granada entrance 14 where Pat picked up the drivers and delivered them back to Danville. The rest of us followed Polly back to her house. Distances were 4 (drivers) and 4.78 (everyone else) miles.

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