1/4 No hike (rain)
1/11 No hike (rain)
1/18 No hike (rain)
1/25 - Kings Canyon Loop
Storm damage had closed Stream Trail in Redwood RP so plans were altered. San Leandro Reservoir was higher than any of us remember seeing it, with water only a few feet under the Rimer Creek bridge. The trail was sloppy in places, nearly dry in others.About 5.25 - 5.75 miles
We walked counter-clockwise along the Edwards Creek Trail - about 2.25 miles. We hoped to find Dirca, Oso berry and the white flowering current. Unfortunately trail crews had whacked indiscriminately and a good bit of the stand of Dirca we usually visit was cut down. We were probably a bit early for Oso Berry, but saw what might prove to be that plant beginning to push buds. The Ribes was blooming in the spots we have seen it previously.
We started from the parking area at the corner of Grizzly Peak and Centennial Way and walked down the canyon. After lunch, Lee gave us an introduction to the Nor Cal Society of Botanical Artists exhibit (art representing seeds and seed vessels) and then we were on our own to enjoy it! We had about an hour to wander in the Garden as well. Depending on how you wandered in the Garden, distance was about 5 miles for the day.
Iron Horse Trail from Livorna Rd to Hap Magee Park in Danville. One way distance was 2.68 miles.
We went up the Chaparral Loop trail (the sandstone is badly eroded in places), then across the ridge and down to the footbridge in Manhattan Canyon. There the group split with some heading back down and the rest of us going up. 2.5 miles for the shorter loop and 3.5 for the longer.
After a week much more rain, hail, (even snow on Diablo) Shirley thought a paved route would be advisable. We walked from the parking lot opposite the St Mary's soccer fields to the Lafayette Community Center and back. Some braved mud and looped behind the center and around to the playing fields before crossing back to the trail. The others retraced their steps, avoiding the muck. This was short, 2.5 to 3.7 miles.
Cockwise loop of a bit over 3 miles at Line Ridge Open Space. We took a short single track trail to the Paradise Valley Tr; the return was via Buckeye Tr to Ohlone Tr.
We made a clockwise loop from the Rock Springs parking area, going out Simmons Tr to Barth's Retreat (lunch) then returning via Benstein Tr. This was a Thursday hike...rain Wednesday morning and a desire to see the Calypsos dictated the change. 2.5 miles.
This is the segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail that includes the "Skyline Gardens" 170 native plant species are found along a mile-and-a-quarter of trail.
From the parking lot for the Tilden Steam Train south to Sibley for lunch and a driver shuttle from the south end of Fish Ranch, About 4 1/4 miles for the full distance. My pictures only cover the trail as far as Fish Ranch Rd.
Various groupings: everyone went as far as where Red Rd up White Canyon meets the Mitchell Canyon Fire Rd. Then things got scrambled. The return was complex, too, as a big group took the Globe Lily trail and others stayed on the fire road. Plenty of flowers. 3 1/4 miles to nearly 6.
The John Muir Land Trust opened a new section of Fernandez Ranch at the beginning of June. This was likely the last practical chance we would have to hike there until the cooler weather of fall. We hiked up Windmill Trail to the gate where we have often had lunch, then followed the new section of trail to the north and west through open grassland before circling back eastward via Woodland Trail and then south to rejoin the Windmill Trail. Distance about 4 miles.
There were many more flowers than we expected (lots of monkeyflower, clarkia and wonderful salvia as well as berries on the red elderberry) and some beautiful views This was a partial circle starting from the Steam Train parking lot on Grizzly Peak, heading north on Vollmer Peak trail, Lupine trail up to Sea View tr and return along Lower Big Springs Tr starting from just above the Quarry. Juanita shuttled drivers back up to get the cars. The hike was just under 3.5 miles.
Altho we started from the same trailhead on Skyline that we have used in the past, we tried a different route: Palos Colorados Tr, then Sunset Trail to Chaparral Trail and up to the horse arena. However instead of immediately crossing Skyline, we took Bayview and Castle Park trails to the West Ridge Tr. and back below Chabot Observatory. We dropped into the Redwood Bowl for lunch. After following the Ridge Tr to the Roberts entrance road, we crossed Skyline and came down Big Trees Tr as in the past. There is one steep up...300 feet in a quarter mile on Chapparal Tr; after that it was just undulating and finally down to the cars. Mileage just over 3.6 as planned, closer to 4 as executed.
A yo yo hike from Rancho Laguna Park along the EBMUD Kings Canyon Tr. Distances ranged from 3 miles to about 4 1/4.
With the closure of the Canyon Rd bridge, access to Redwood Park is easiest from Skyline. We walked out the East Ridge Tr, down Prince Tr. and returned via Stream Tr. A 3 mile hike.
I did not hike.
Phred sent an e-mail suggesting this as a worthwhile stop on the way up...he was right!
Leek Springs on Mormon Emigrant Trail
Old Hwy 88 from Red Lake up toward the overlook
Big Meadow - Tahoe Rim Trail from the parking area on Hwy 89; a hike Shirley suggested. It would probably be more interesting earlier in the season.
A morning hike from Woods up to Winnemucca is our favorite!
We took several short walks as we both felt a bit achy from the previous hike.
We went up to Meiss Saddle from the Carson Pass parking area and then just wandering about looking at flowers and views!
Caples Lake Resort has seen some real improvements this year. The deck is in good repair and the dining area and lounge on the ground floor of the lodge are open again.
No pictures as I didn't go.
We had a big group today...15 to start; tho Ron and Sylvia turned around when Ron felt his foot had had enough. We walked down Meadows Canyon Tr to Wildcat Gorge Tr. then up to Lake Anza for lunch. We retraced our steps to the intersection with Curran Tr and took that route back to the cars. 3.7 miles.
We parked at the Skyline staging area and did a 3.5 mile "lollipop" hike which took us counterclockwise around the Huckleberry Loop trail. We had lunch on one of the Manzanita barrens (#6 on the park map).
We walked from the new entrance at the end of Atlas Rd to the recenty opened Dodsen marsh area. Lunch was enjoyed on nicely placed tables near the China Clipper spur trail. 4 1/4 miles.
For good information on the newly accessible marsh area, see: http://www.ebparks.org/parks/pt_pinole (scroll clear to the bottom of the page)
We walked counter-clockwise along the Edwards Creek Trail - about 2.25 miles. We hoped to find Dirca, Oso berry and the white flowering current. Unfortunately trail crews had whacked indiscriminately and a good bit of the stand of Dirca we usually visit was cut down. We were probably a bit early for Oso Berry, but saw what might prove to be that plant beginning to push buds. The Ribes was blooming in the spots we have seen it previously.
2/8 - No hike (rain)
Iron Horse Trail from Livorna Rd to Hap Magee Park in Danville. One way distance was 2.68 miles.
We went up the Chaparral Loop trail (the sandstone is badly eroded in places), then across the ridge and down to the footbridge in Manhattan Canyon. There the group split with some heading back down and the rest of us going up. 2.5 miles for the shorter loop and 3.5 for the longer.
After a week much more rain, hail, (even snow on Diablo) Shirley thought a paved route would be advisable. We walked from the parking lot opposite the St Mary's soccer fields to the Lafayette Community Center and back. Some braved mud and looped behind the center and around to the playing fields before crossing back to the trail. The others retraced their steps, avoiding the muck. This was short, 2.5 to 3.7 miles.
Cockwise loop of a bit over 3 miles at Line Ridge Open Space. We took a short single track trail to the Paradise Valley Tr; the return was via Buckeye Tr to Ohlone Tr.
We made a clockwise loop from the Rock Springs parking area, going out Simmons Tr to Barth's Retreat (lunch) then returning via Benstein Tr. This was a Thursday hike...rain Wednesday morning and a desire to see the Calypsos dictated the change. 2.5 miles.
3/29 - Rockville Hills
No pictures as I didn't hike. Shirley said lots of flowersThis is the segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail that includes the "Skyline Gardens" 170 native plant species are found along a mile-and-a-quarter of trail.
From the parking lot for the Tilden Steam Train south to Sibley for lunch and a driver shuttle from the south end of Fish Ranch, About 4 1/4 miles for the full distance. My pictures only cover the trail as far as Fish Ranch Rd.
4/12 - No hike (rain)
4/26 - No hike (rain)
Starting at the Clyde Woolridge Staging Area (where Skyline Blvd meets Grass Valley Rd) we followed the mostly shady Cascade Trail to the junction with Columbine Tr and then returned. About 2.75 miles was plenty on a hot, muggy day.
The before lunch walk was the flower rich trail to Devil's Elbow and on to Prospector's Gap. The full out and back is roughly 2 miles; several turned back sooner. The trail is even more slippery than it was the last time we were there; lots of loose gravel. But it was well worth the effort!
After lunch we made a counter-clockwise loop of the Mary Bowerman Trail for another mile...YES the Lewisia were in bloom!!!
4 miles, round trip. The gold fish in the Burma Spring and Moses Rock Spring pools looked healthy! The views were grand and the weather about perfect for that hike. Not too many flowers, but lots of Clarkia and Cobweb Thistles. Sun cups were a surprise.
We all started together from the Castle Rock Park, but split into three groups by the big rock at Sulpher Spring. 5 stayed in the canyon; 7 made a loop via the Buckeye Ravine Tr; and 5 made the long loop up to the Briones Diablo Tr and down Little Yosemite Tr. We all met at the tables just before the Mt Diablo SP boundary. After lunch we all returned along the canyon. There were 4 stream crossings which required balancing on rocks. And there were plenty of flowers including a "first" for us: Salvia spathacea blooming on the slope to the west side of Stage Rd.
Part one was Ring Mountain Open Space Preserve. One group headed off briskly for an extended walk; the second group was more intent on looking at the flowers. The shorter hike was just over a mile.
Part two was a visit to Old St. Hilary's in Tiburon proper. After lunch on the steps enjoying the view we wandered about looking for the rare Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. niger - Tiburon Jewel Flower.
We convened at Rush Ranch, a Solano Land Trust property that is part of the San Francisco Bay National Esturine Research Area. The larger group split in two with the one group setting off for an approximately two mile loop along the marsh and back across the open grassland. The others opted for a stroll out to a rise overlooking the marsh and back, just under 1 mile. Reports from the first group of hikers was that the trail is very overgrown and they had to do a good deal of bush whacking.
It is a short drive back to downtown Suisun City and our lunch location at the Athenian Grill. We had one of the covered porches which nicely held our group. After lunch some of us walked about looking at the public art and some went down to the Suisun Wildlife Center before heading home.The before lunch walk was the flower rich trail to Devil's Elbow and on to Prospector's Gap. The full out and back is roughly 2 miles; several turned back sooner. The trail is even more slippery than it was the last time we were there; lots of loose gravel. But it was well worth the effort!
After lunch we made a counter-clockwise loop of the Mary Bowerman Trail for another mile...YES the Lewisia were in bloom!!!
4 miles, round trip. The gold fish in the Burma Spring and Moses Rock Spring pools looked healthy! The views were grand and the weather about perfect for that hike. Not too many flowers, but lots of Clarkia and Cobweb Thistles. Sun cups were a surprise.
We all started together from the Castle Rock Park, but split into three groups by the big rock at Sulpher Spring. 5 stayed in the canyon; 7 made a loop via the Buckeye Ravine Tr; and 5 made the long loop up to the Briones Diablo Tr and down Little Yosemite Tr. We all met at the tables just before the Mt Diablo SP boundary. After lunch we all returned along the canyon. There were 4 stream crossings which required balancing on rocks. And there were plenty of flowers including a "first" for us: Salvia spathacea blooming on the slope to the west side of Stage Rd.
Part one was Ring Mountain Open Space Preserve. One group headed off briskly for an extended walk; the second group was more intent on looking at the flowers. The shorter hike was just over a mile.
Part two was a visit to Old St. Hilary's in Tiburon proper. After lunch on the steps enjoying the view we wandered about looking for the rare Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. niger - Tiburon Jewel Flower.
We convened at Rush Ranch, a Solano Land Trust property that is part of the San Francisco Bay National Esturine Research Area. The larger group split in two with the one group setting off for an approximately two mile loop along the marsh and back across the open grassland. The others opted for a stroll out to a rise overlooking the marsh and back, just under 1 mile. Reports from the first group of hikers was that the trail is very overgrown and they had to do a good deal of bush whacking.
The John Muir Land Trust opened a new section of Fernandez Ranch at the beginning of June. This was likely the last practical chance we would have to hike there until the cooler weather of fall. We hiked up Windmill Trail to the gate where we have often had lunch, then followed the new section of trail to the north and west through open grassland before circling back eastward via Woodland Trail and then south to rejoin the Windmill Trail. Distance about 4 miles.
There were many more flowers than we expected (lots of monkeyflower, clarkia and wonderful salvia as well as berries on the red elderberry) and some beautiful views This was a partial circle starting from the Steam Train parking lot on Grizzly Peak, heading north on Vollmer Peak trail, Lupine trail up to Sea View tr and return along Lower Big Springs Tr starting from just above the Quarry. Juanita shuttled drivers back up to get the cars. The hike was just under 3.5 miles.
Altho we started from the same trailhead on Skyline that we have used in the past, we tried a different route: Palos Colorados Tr, then Sunset Trail to Chaparral Trail and up to the horse arena. However instead of immediately crossing Skyline, we took Bayview and Castle Park trails to the West Ridge Tr. and back below Chabot Observatory. We dropped into the Redwood Bowl for lunch. After following the Ridge Tr to the Roberts entrance road, we crossed Skyline and came down Big Trees Tr as in the past. There is one steep up...300 feet in a quarter mile on Chapparal Tr; after that it was just undulating and finally down to the cars. Mileage just over 3.6 as planned, closer to 4 as executed.
A yo yo hike from Rancho Laguna Park along the EBMUD Kings Canyon Tr. Distances ranged from 3 miles to about 4 1/4.
With the closure of the Canyon Rd bridge, access to Redwood Park is easiest from Skyline. We walked out the East Ridge Tr, down Prince Tr. and returned via Stream Tr. A 3 mile hike.
7/26 - Lake Chabot
The east shore toward Honker Bay is shaded with rolling ups and downs, with choices on distance: 3.5 miles to the bridge and back. or 4.5 around to the point where we have had lunch before.I did not hike.
8/2 NO HIKE, too HOT
8/7-8/12 - Caples Week
Phred sent an e-mail suggesting this as a worthwhile stop on the way up...he was right!
Leek Springs on Mormon Emigrant Trail
Old Hwy 88 from Red Lake up toward the overlook
Big Meadow - Tahoe Rim Trail from the parking area on Hwy 89; a hike Shirley suggested. It would probably be more interesting earlier in the season.
A morning hike from Woods up to Winnemucca is our favorite!
We took several short walks as we both felt a bit achy from the previous hike.
We went up to Meiss Saddle from the Carson Pass parking area and then just wandering about looking at flowers and views!
Caples Lake Resort has seen some real improvements this year. The deck is in good repair and the dining area and lounge on the ground floor of the lodge are open again.
8-16 Lake Merritt/Oakland Museum
Walk around the lake and view the Georgia O'Keefe exhibit at the Oakland Museum. No pictures as I didn't go.
We had a big group today...15 to start; tho Ron and Sylvia turned around when Ron felt his foot had had enough. We walked down Meadows Canyon Tr to Wildcat Gorge Tr. then up to Lake Anza for lunch. We retraced our steps to the intersection with Curran Tr and took that route back to the cars. 3.7 miles.
We parked at the Skyline staging area and did a 3.5 mile "lollipop" hike which took us counterclockwise around the Huckleberry Loop trail. We had lunch on one of the Manzanita barrens (#6 on the park map).
We walked from the new entrance at the end of Atlas Rd to the recenty opened Dodsen marsh area. Lunch was enjoyed on nicely placed tables near the China Clipper spur trail. 4 1/4 miles.
For good information on the newly accessible marsh area, see: http://www.ebparks.org/parks/pt_pinole (scroll clear to the bottom of the page)
9-13 No hike-thunderstorms
9-20 Green Gulch
I did not hike
9-27 Pine Canyon
We started at Kennedy Grove and picked up the Bay Area Ridge trail segment at the north end of the parking area. Once we were at lake level it was easy walking on the old paved road, in and out of the shade. We ate lunch on the deck at the marina and wandered back. 3.4 miles.9-20 Green Gulch
I did not hike
9-27 Pine Canyon
The walk (2.8 miles) was leisurely, there was some shade and an occasional breeze. A good choice on what was forecast to be a very hot day.
10-11 No hike-high fire danger, smoke
10-18 No hike-high fire danger, heat, wind, closed parks
10-25 Mitchell Canyon
10-18 No hike-high fire danger, heat, wind, closed parks
10-25 Mitchell Canyon
We walked from the Mitchell Canyon parking area toward the upper end of the canyon and back. Lunch was at the picnic table under the monster oak 2 miles in. Pleasant in the shade, hot in the sun, lots of birds, long shadows and wonderful colors.
Beginning at the Old Briones Road entrance to Briones park we made a clockwise circle past the lagoons and eventually down Toyon trail to the Alhambra Rd entrance where the Jacksons had left their car as a driver shuttle back up the hill.Some did a bit of off trail exploration between the fenced pond and Toyon trail; Distances 3.5 to 4 miles
3+ mile loop out Knobcone Point Rd, down to Sycamore Creek, then up Madrone Canyon on the "Trail Through Time".
Three hikes in one! We walked the section of the Old Briones Road from the Bear Valley parking area to Valley Tr and then to the intersection of the Valley and Yerba Buena trails. There the group split into three. 7 returned the way we came for a walk of 3.4 miles. The three hikers wanting a more vigorous outing continued up Valley Trail to the Briones Crest Trail, turned left and circled back to the Old Briones Rd at the "pass" and then returned to the cars. 5 miles. The most adventurous group went up Yerba Buena to Crescent Ridge, then down past the archery range. But instead of returning on Ivan Dickson Tr, they took the Bear Creek Tr which parallels the road on the ESE. 4 miles
Hiked from the Coach Dr entrance off Castro Ranch Rd. 3 miles. The A. pallida population on the knoll circled by Manzanita Loop is showing signs of a major infestation by the sudden oak death pathogen...very sad.
We carpooled from Jeanne's house to the fire road off Saklan Indian which leads up to the labyrinth. Our return followed the ridge south to Shadowhawk Way then east on Grey Eagle back to Saklan Indian; 1.5 miles (+ the labyrinth).
Beginning at the Old Briones Road entrance to Briones park we made a clockwise circle past the lagoons and eventually down Toyon trail to the Alhambra Rd entrance where the Jacksons had left their car as a driver shuttle back up the hill.Some did a bit of off trail exploration between the fenced pond and Toyon trail; Distances 3.5 to 4 miles
3+ mile loop out Knobcone Point Rd, down to Sycamore Creek, then up Madrone Canyon on the "Trail Through Time".
11-15 No hike (rain)
We walked from the end of Springhill Rd into Briones. Part of the group went on up the hill above the oak glade; the rest explored a side spur which dead ends at the park boundary before returning to the junction by the gate and making a loop further up the canyon. Total mileage for the non-adventurous was 3 miles; more for the gang of 5.1
Three hikes in one! We walked the section of the Old Briones Road from the Bear Valley parking area to Valley Tr and then to the intersection of the Valley and Yerba Buena trails. There the group split into three. 7 returned the way we came for a walk of 3.4 miles. The three hikers wanting a more vigorous outing continued up Valley Trail to the Briones Crest Trail, turned left and circled back to the Old Briones Rd at the "pass" and then returned to the cars. 5 miles. The most adventurous group went up Yerba Buena to Crescent Ridge, then down past the archery range. But instead of returning on Ivan Dickson Tr, they took the Bear Creek Tr which parallels the road on the ESE. 4 miles
Hiked from the Coach Dr entrance off Castro Ranch Rd. 3 miles. The A. pallida population on the knoll circled by Manzanita Loop is showing signs of a major infestation by the sudden oak death pathogen...very sad.
12-13 Holdiay luncheon at the McDougall's
12-20 Lafayette-Moraga Tr
Visiting family kept me home, so no picturesWe carpooled from Jeanne's house to the fire road off Saklan Indian which leads up to the labyrinth. Our return followed the ridge south to Shadowhawk Way then east on Grey Eagle back to Saklan Indian; 1.5 miles (+ the labyrinth).
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