Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6/22 - Joaquin Miller and Roberts

3 miles in the shade of Joaquin Miller Park and Roberts Recreation Area felt about perfect today! However at lunch most of us got chilled and wished for a bit of sun. In fact the warm cars felt really good at the end of the hike.

A dozen of us started from the parking pull out on Skyline Dr. We went up Bayview Tr to the riding ring, crossed the road into Roberts Recreation area, joined the Roberts Ridge Tr by the Rotary cabins, mozied down to the redwood grove, found the navigation tree monument, had lunch and returned to the cars via  Big Trees Tr.

Meadow decided to go for a solo adventure as we neared the equestrian ring and Sylvia and Ron got their exercise in hunting for her. Luckily she was recaptured! They left a note on Shirley's car which we found on our return.

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