Monday, July 18, 2016

Caples Week

This is probably more than you need to know about the past week at Caples. We had beautiful weather and wonderful hikes. The flowers were late this year and we saw some for the first time in many years, while others were not yet ready to bloom. It is a special place and the companionship of like-minded friends makes it even better.

The cast
Arriving Saturday:     Lee and Chuck McCaffrey
Arriving Sunday:       Susan, Jeanne and Polly;
                                   Debbie and her friend Kathy from Nevada;
                                   Judy from Oregon; Ulla and Karen;
                                   Bob; Juanita
Arriving Monday:      Phred and Elaine,
                                   Mike and Laura (Phred's brother/sister-in-law);

Sunday - arrival; 12 for dinner at cabin 2
Lee and Chuck hiked from Schneider's Camp to the Meiss Crest with a loop to Showers
Mormon Emigrant Rd - Karen and Ulla stopped for the lilies
Old Hwy 88
Ulla and Karen met Judy at Red Lake and used this for a warm-up/scouting hike. Very windy, but plenty to see.

Monday - remaining arrivals; dinner out (5 at Sorensons and 11 at Kirkwood Inn)
Charity Valley
There were 10 of us on this "first" hike. It is the first time since 2012 that we have gone this way and we went further along the trail than the point where the trail descends over the granite to meet the trail to Burnside Lake. On the return we took the low way along the meadow. Total distance about 5.3 miles.
The Jacksons picked up Jeanne and walked part of Old Hwy 88. Ed arrived early afternoon and wandered a bit on his own. Debbie and her friend Kathy hiked to Thunder Mountain.

Tuesday - 16 for dinner at cabin 2
Woods-Winnemucca-Round Top
Six hikers made this loop (5.2 miles, 1200' elevation difference); the other 10 started from Carson Pass and walked various trail combinations, but no others went to Round Top.

Wednesday - Judy, Jeanne and Debbie left in the afternoon; 13 for dinner at cabin 2
Starting from the trailhead below Carson Pass:
Lee, Chuck and Karen rambled the east side below Red Lake Peak about 3 1/2 miles, much of it off trail. Susan and Polly (and eventually Debbie) worked their way up the west side (Meiss Crest). Ulla took Bob and Ed to Showers Lake (nearly 10 miles there and back). The Jacksons hiked at Kirkwood and found Snow Plant and Steer's Head!

Thursday - Reduced numbers: Jackson's, Juanita and McCaffrey's left after breakfast
Susan, Polly and Ed walked Old Hwy 88 and then went to Markleeville for lunch. Bob, Ulla and Karen hiked a loop at Kirkwood (4.5 mi and didn't find the Snow Plant).

Misc views at Caples Lake Resort

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