Wednesday, June 21, 2023

6/21 - Briones


There were just 6 of us on this first day of summer. We walked a CCW loop: Bear Creek trail to the meadow opposite the archery range and then Seaborg Tr back to the parking lot. Not quite 2 miles, but lots and lots to look at and enjoy.

The original plan had been to walk CW, but after Lee checked the creek crossing and added her memories of the trail, we decided it would be better to reverse the direction. She was so right!! The creek which looked so easy to cross last week was not as easy in fact. But a few splashes and no slips and we were all scrambling up the bank on the far side. There was lots!! of poison oak and much of it really earned the specific of "diversilobum". Many of the leaves were deceptively huge and very smooth. There were extensive patches of the Rupertia and the Prosartes and pipevine, too, lots of honeysuckle in bloom and more and more and more to look at.

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