Wednesday, March 16, 2022

03/16 - Mt Diablo (Green Ranch)


This was the first hike on Mt Diablo this year, and the earliest in the year we have done the Green Ranch hike. As usual we started from the Oak Knoll picnic area, walked out the Green Ranch fire road, and after a stop for snacks at the old house site, returned via the Oak Knoll single track. It is a hike of under 3 miles but everyone on the walk will claim it felt much longer!

Plenty of green, but the south facing slopes are drying fast. Flowers are all mixed up as to bloom time and many/most which are blooming are quite small. It seems likely that that is a result of our continuing  drought. At lower elevations, along the drive up Northgate Rd, the lupine were amazing, but by the time we were above 2000', they were scattered at best. It was the same with the poppies.


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