Monday, March 29, 2021

3/24 - Round Valley Regional Preserve


There were a dozen of us today. We all started together walking out Miwok Tr. Susan, Geoff, Monique and Polly left the rest of us at the junction with the Hardy Canyon Tr which they took for their return route. The rest of us walked on into Round Valley and then out the Fox Tail Trail, returning the way we had come. The Deer complex fires of last September burned into the Preserve, but we saw little evidence at close range. However the steep slopes which form the eastern edge of Morgan Territory preserve were obviously affected.

The map is approximate as we often left the fire road trail to follow parallel cow paths along the creek course or thru the woods. Map distance was 4.7 miles (approx) for the main group and 4.5 miles for the smaller group, but they had _much_ more elevation gain.

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