Wednesday, September 5, 2018

09/05 Lake Chabot

A dozen people and two dogs (Oscar came with Ron and Sylvia & Bob brought Bacchus) visited Lake Chabot. We walked the Eastshore Trail to the bridge and then went further up Cameron Loop, then back to the little trail which parallels the main trail and wanders thru the flood plain to find a spot for an early lunch. Finally there was the long tromp back and a stop at the snack shack for ice cream. Susan and Ulla each added additional distance by completing the Cameron Loop, Susan CCW and Ulla clockwise. 5.25 miles for most, 6 for the two adventurous ones.

I didn't realize how much I depend on calflora until it was unreachable this afternoon. But I found helpful plant lists on the EBRPD website; one a district wide checklist and others specifically for the individual parks. Why didn't I know this sooner?

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