Thursday, April 20, 2017

4/20 Mitchell Canyon

15 of us walked from the Mitchell Canyon entrance in various groupings. Everyone went as far as where Red Rd up White Canyon meets the Mitchell Canyon Fire Rd. Then things got scrambled. Jeanne and Karen stayed in the canyon and had lunch on a log a bit over 3/4 of a mile further on. John, Susan, Delia and Monique went furthest (to the edge of the park up on Olofson Ridge). Of the remaining 9, Sylvia turned around part way to the ridge and the others went as far as the junction of Olofson Ridge Rd and Red Rd. The return was complex, too, as a big group took the Globe Lily trail and others stayed on the fire road. All agreed that there were plenty of flowers and that it was a great outing. Distances ranged from 3 1/4 miles to nearly 6.

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