12/04 - Vaca Creek/Almond Ranch
There were a dozen of us today, taking advantage of dry sunny weather as we walked from the EBRPD parking lot on Alhambra Valley Rd up the Vaca Creek Tr to the Ridge Tr and the Almond Ranch property. It was hazy, but green is starting to show and it was a good morning to be out and moving. The highlight was the spotting of what we decided was a golden eagle sitting in the top of a tree. 3.5 miles
11/27 - Cesar Chavez Park, Berkeley
This was the perfect day to walk along the Bay. We went, for the first time, to Cesar Chavez park near the Berkeley Marina at the foot of University Ave. It was clear and bright after our storms, and the main trails are paved or gravel and not muddy. We enjoyed snooping in one of the areas undergoing ecological restoration. Elaine and Delia know people involved with the project. Only a bit over 1.5 miles but just right for the day before Thanksgiving.
11/13 - UC Botanical Garden
We started with the exhibit of the Florigeum being created for the garden; this is the 3rd exhibit and includes 75 illustrations both new and from the previous exhibits. Lee gave an overview of the project and the displayed art work. Then some of us walked in the garden including the newly reopened Tropical house.
The sky was clear when we arrived, but getting quite gray as we left the Julia Morgan Building and the first spritz of rain hit the windshield as we drove home. Excellent timing!!