Monday, February 26, 2024

02/21/2024 - Arrowhead Marsh


There was a big group today: 16!!

We started from the parking lot by the King Fisher picnic area and most walked as far as the art installation at Zhone Way. Returns were staggered with some of us taking the long way around the New Marsh area, some returning as we had started, some waling along the road from the furthest in parking area...Lots of clouds and there was definitely rain on the west side of the Bay, but we were dry.

The tide was in, so birds were mostly floating out of range of my phone camera. Distances varied from under 3 to almost 4 miles.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

2/14 - Crockett Hills


We had missed two Wednesdays because of ill timed rain, so really wanted to get out and check the beginnings of spring. It was 9:33 when 9 of us left the parking lot. The sky was gray, but the forecast insisted it would start to rain after noon. We found the Dirca in the usual spot and several patches of osoberry. And fungi...all sorts and everywhere. As we hit the parking area on our return, just a few minutes before noon, fat rain drops started peppering the pavement. Excellent timing! A bit over 2 1/4 miles.