Sunday, July 30, 2023

07/26 - Redwood RP


10 of us took advantage of the shade in Redwood Park to enjoy a 2.5 mile ramble out the Bridle Tr  (accessed from the fish ladder bridge) to Chown and then back via Stream Tr.

Caples Week 7/16-21


There were concerns about lingering snow and the likelihood of flowers, but the week turned out to be as wonderful as ever. There was lots of food and plenty of good conversation in the evenings after hikes which had plenty to look at.

Lee and Chuck had arrived early and given clear locations for blooming Washingtonia lilies on Mormon Emigrant; I still missed them. Driving that road was so disorienting with the barren terrain from the Caldor Fire of 2021. It was a relief to drop into Silver Lake basin and see living trees. Ulla and I took a short walk down from the overlook on the old highway before checking in. There was not much blooming on the upper end and still numerous snow banks.
There were 14 of us for supper which we set up on the picnic tables between cabins 3 and 4. The Wednesday Walkers table cloths and dishes came in very handy.

We met at 8:00 and headed for Charity Valley. It seemed best to start with the lower elevation hikes and work upward. Unfortunately Monique felt extremely unwell and Susan drove her back to Caples. It has been a while since we did this hike and it was far richer, flower-wise, that I remember. We saw some things none could remember seeing there and others in far greater profusion. The hikers soon separated into walkers and botanizers. We met up again at the big rock above the "falls". Here the group separated again with some heading further, some going down to the river for lunch and others heading slowly back to the cars.

This was the day chosen to climb up to Meiss Col and hunt for steer's heads, the peony and the Beckwith violets as well as the calochortus, iris and other favorites. It was slow going as we kept stopping to look at and id things.
We found the steer's heads in the usual shaded spot, but they were about done. The number of calochortus in the zigzag section was amazing! The peony was fading, but Robin and Donita found many more plants across the trail. There was still snow at the pond and the iris were really just starting to open. Then we followed Lee to the area where she has previously found the violets Yes!! There were still plenty of unfaded ones.
The return was even more spread out than the ascent with Susan, Delia and John going up the hillside above the trail for their lunch and exploring their way back. Lee, Robin, Donita and Karen also paralleled the trail on the uphill side as far as the pond. Chuck, Lesley and Ulla went down first. Linda, Jennifer and Carol stuck to the trail. And we found steer's heads in better condition on the way back thanks to a hint from Susan.

The hiking group was divided. Susan left a hiking pole behind on the Meiss hike and wanted to see if she could find it. She joined Linda, Jennifer and Carol for a hike up the old highway from Red Lake. Lesley left for the long drive back to San Diego. So that left eight of us to hike up to the ridge from Schneider's camp. Good thing the Taylors and the McCaffrees vehicles could manage the rutted road. Lots of flowers and great views as usual!!
Supper at Kirkwood Inn.

The road into Woods Lake is still closed by a huge snowdrift about half way in, so the only practical access to Frog/Winnemucca is from Carson Pass. The Taylor's friend Karol joined us on our visit to Frog Lake (and beyond) so there were twelve of us as Carol didn't hike. Since Karol and her husband have a cabin at Lake Kirkwood, she has hiked this area frequently. We walked up in various groups and met investigating the slope above the west end of the lake: lots to see there!! Karol took a group of us over and around the rocky end of that rise to their favorite picnic spot which has a glorious view to the west. Most of us moved slowly clockwise around the lake, moving cautiously over the slippery snowbank on the south shore. Then the group separated with Susan, Delia, John, Karol and Linda walking cross country in the direction of Winnemucca (it still has snow and ice in the lake), while the others, in various groupings, returned to the cars.
Lee talked to the management and settled on dates for next year (7/7-7/11) with each of us to confirm accommodation as we checked out. Our last supper was generous with all the leftovers making a substantial meal.

So another Caples week was over and we left as we could get our belongings packed up. The last group of pictures includes some from Mormon Emigrant as I was determined to find the lilies! And this time there were no tailgating pickups on my tail so I could safely pull over.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

07/12 - Tilden


The forecast was for significant warming but there was fog on the hills until just before the turn for the steam train parking. 8 of us made the hike which certainly seemed longer (up, down, down a lot, up a lot) than the 3 miles calculated by Google Earth! Out Seaview Tr, down Big Springs, along the road to Arroyo, then Vollmer Peak Tr back to the start, There were plenty of flowers and the trail alternated sun and shade. We were glad to get back to the cars and extra water though.