12/14 was the Christmas Luncheon at the McDougall's.
12/21 Phred and Elain led a hike Mt Wanda and Almond Ranch
12/28 uncertain weather and holiday exhaustion so no hike
12/14 was the Christmas Luncheon at the McDougall's.
12/21 Phred and Elain led a hike Mt Wanda and Almond Ranch
12/28 uncertain weather and holiday exhaustion so no hike
We walked from west to east on the paved George Miller trail along the cliff above the Carquinez Strait. this was the first time since Nov. 2014 that we began the walk from the Port Costa staging area. It was quite brisk (43 on the car thermometer) but good for walking, and a good choice after our rainy days. 6 people, 3 dogs; 3.7 miles.
In planning the hike I came across this wonderful bit of local history (the hikers have already had the link, non-hikers might enjoy it, too). The Carquinez Scenic Drive (the basis of our hike) was the route of US 40 in the early 1900s: