There have been no posts since late June as I have not been hiking. I had a mishap with a collapsing step stool on 6/24. Went to the ER. Xrays negative for a fracture. Treatment limited to ICE, Ice and more ice, advil and rest. For the first week I simply could not put any pressure on it without heavy duty pain. Bit by bit that subsided and by two weeks after the event things started to improve on a daily basis.
Of course that meant no visit to Caples in addition to no local walks.
The hikes continued with Susan and Geoff, Phred and Elaine and Bob Neumann stepping up to lead.
06/29/2022 no hike Caples week
07/06/2022 Briones from Alhambra Valley Rd ranger station up Toyon Tr (Jacksons led)
07/13/2022 Coyote Hills Susan and Geoff led
07/20/2022 WCOS Bob Neumann led
07/07/2022 Alameda Robt Crown St Beach (Susan and Geoff led)
08/03/2022 Oakland Around Lake Merritt (Susan and Geoff led)
08/10/2022 Crockett Hills Phred and Elaine led
08/17/2022 no hike heat and air quality
The 8/17 cancellation was a downer as it was the first time I felt I could walk with the group. It will be a full 2 months by the time next week rolls around. At least the long range forecast looks favorable.