Wednesday, June 22, 2022

6/22 - Redwood

Yesterday hit triple digits and today was going to be barely cooler, so 5 of us took only a short walk in the shade of Redwood Regional Park.

We took Stream Trail to the bridge crossing and then picked up the Bridle Trail. That is closed after the junction with Chown so we went back to Stream and walked as far as the junction with Fern before heading back. About 2.5 miles.

We started by 9 and were back to the cars about 10:15. The thermometer on mine (parked in the shade) already registered 82!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

6/15 - Chabot


There was just a small group today; 7 of us. We met at the Bort Meadow staging area on Redwood Rd and walked a CW loop out Grass Valley Tr to the stone bridge and back Brandon Tr. The forecast was for hot by afternoon, but with the amount of shade on the return we were OK. The variety of plants along the west side Brandon trail is wonderful and a bit surprising. Just over 3 miles

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

06/08 - Pine Canyon

The forecast was for heat, so we wanted an easy walk with some shade. This hike from the end of Castle Rock Rd to the picnic benches just before the gated entry to Mt Diablo State Park filled the bill. It is exceedingly dry. We were glad of the dappled shade and occasional breeze as the car thermometer said 83 when we got back about 11:30. 9 of  us enjoyed the hike anyway. About 2.7 miles

As to the question about who or what Ithuriel was (think the common name of Triteleia laxa): Ithurial was an angel in Milton's Paradise Lost. With the touch of his spear, the true form of a body was revealed (Satan in the form of a toad in the book).