Wednesday, November 25, 2020

11/25 - WCOS from Borges Ranch

On the day before Thanksgiving a dozen of us and three dogs enjoyed a glorious autumn day in the foothills of Mt Diablo. For the first time, as far as I know, we started from the Borges Ranch parking area, walking clockwise up to Ginder Gap and then back to the cars. Just under 3 miles,

We did not hike last week because the weather was too uncertain.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11/11 - Shell Ridge


It was a very gray morning as a big group made a counterclockwise loop at Shell Ridge, starting from the Sutherland Drive entrance. There were 14 of us plus Oscar and Obi. At Ginder Gap the group split with half making the hike up to the ridge and half completing the loop along the valley on the north side. Distances about equal - 3.1 miles.

And here are some photos from past years. The 2016 pictures show that sometimes, even if rarely, we have early rain.

    2011    Briones
    2012    Phoenix Lake
    2013    Shell Ridge (from Snyder Ln entrance)
    2016    Briones Reservoir, south shore
    2019    Benicia

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

11/4 - Mitchell Canyon


There were 10 of us today on about as perfect a fall day as could be. Warm in the sun, but nice in the shade and an occasional breeze. No tarantulas this year, but a rafter of turkeys at the start. Some of the grapevines were still fully green, some of the leaves had simply dried up, but a fair number showed the colors we have come to expect. However we didn't see any rose hips or berries on the Hollyleaf redberry (look at the Retrospective for those!). We walked out the Mitchell Cyn fire road just past the table under the big oaks; about half went on a bit further. 4+ miles.

Prior years:

    2014      Tennessee Valley
    2015      Marina Bay and the Rosie Museum
    2017      Mt Diablo: Curry Pt Rd then down to the Trail Thru Time
    2018      Pt Pinole
    2019      Mt Diablo: Mitchell Cyn