Wednesday, August 19, 2020

08/19 no hike

I am so glad we didn't try to walk today. As if the heat was not bad enough*, the smoke from lightning caused fires is dreadful.

Here are pictures from previous years when we had better hiking weather:

     2013    Tilden: Inspiration Pt to Lake Anza

     2014    Sibley from the Tunnel Road entrance

    2015    Valle Vista to St Mary's College

    2016    Redwood:  out Stream Trail, up Mill and French and down Chown to the Bridle Tr.

    2017    Tilden: down Meadows Canyon Tr to Wildcat Gorge Tr. then up to Lake Anza
                for lunch; back Curran Tr

    2018    from Skyline Equestrian Center to Bort Meadows

*Friday 107, Saturday 108, Sunday 106, Monday 99, Tuesday 104, and 98 as I write this at 1pm on Wednesday

Thursday, August 13, 2020

08/12 - Sibley

We started just as the fog was lifting. By the time we reached the ridge it was clear and getting hot. So it was good that we were going to be in the shade, mostly, for the rest of the hike.

Starting from the Tunnel Rd entrance, we went up the open grassy slope, viewed the larger labyrinth, walked down the shaded south side of the Round Top Loop Tr; regathered at the Skyline parking lot and headed down the canyon trail which is our usual ascent. 3 mile or a little more.

and a few from prior years:

Thursday, August 6, 2020

08/05 - Briones Reservoir, North shore

The weather was gray, cool and breezy as 14 of us headed out Oursan Trail along the north shore of Briones Reservoir. Distances varied as some turned around before others, but credit most with 4 miles. There were many comments about how it looked and felt like early autumn. for a few retrospective pictures