Wednesday, February 26, 2020

02/26 - Rockville Hills

A good choice for today! A dozen of us visited Rockville Hills for the first time in three years. The effects of low rainfall were obvious in the short flowers, drying grass and low pond levels. However we timed the trip correctly to see the Scarlet Fritillary in bloom! It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the high 70s. And it was Susan's birthday which called for celebration. After the walk (only a bit over 2.5 miles for most of us) we headed to Little Knopp's for ice cream before the drive home.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2/19 - Huckleberry

Susan and Geoff led 15 of us on today's hike. There was a great deal of damage from the wind storm 2 weeks ago which was very discouraging. But we did see some flowers and it was an altogether lovely day to be out and moving. About 2.6 miles.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

02-12 Black Diamond

The majority of the group of 11 walked a clockwise route up Chaparral Loop Tr to the Ridge and then down to the bridge and up Manhattan Canyon. The other 4 hikers went counter-clockwise up Chaparral Loop directly to the bridge and up Manhattan Canyon. We met at the rocky knoll just past the gate on Black Diamond Tr (fire road) for our lunch. Then we started off together on the return. Some intended to take Canyon Tr down while the rest of us continued the loop to the Nortonville Trail and the cemetery. But the trail marker was missing and everyone went down past the cemetery. That was fine since it gave us a good view of the herd of sheep which included many varieties and lots of lambs.

Our main impression was that the flowers were suffering from lack of moisture. There were few Shooting Stars of any variety blooming and most were very short, the Indian Warriors were stunted and sparse, we saw no Milk Maids. However, the Manzanitas were in full bloom and absolutely lovely.

Altho various fitness tracking apps carried by walkers gave much higher mileages, the map total adds up to just over 3 for the longer route and about 2.6 for the others.

Compare pictures from almost the same hike 3 years ago...3/1/2017

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

02/05 - Crockett Hills

There were a dozen of us today on a brisk morning which featured blue skies and NO wind (after days of a nasty, cold blow). We hiked up the Edwards Creek Tr, turned on Wood Rat to enjoy the display of Dirca, wound our way to the tunnel and ventured out onto the grassy east side of the park. A few turned back at the tunnel and some went further, but most of us found a grassy spot with wide views and had an early lunch.  Only about 2.5 miles, but it felt like a bit more.