Wednesday, June 26, 2019

06/26 - Dutra Ranch

Eight of us took advantage of a day of cooler weather with clouds and a wonderful breeze to revisit the John Muir Land Trust properties Dutra and Sky Ranch. We had not hiked there for over 4 years. Our main route was up from Franklin Canyon along Feeder Trail #1 which starts by the Franklin Canyon Stables. Then we made a counter clockwise loop along the ridge and had lunch by the dedicatory plaque. Ron and Sylvia took Oscar back after we ate, and the rest of us made an additional loop along part of the Tina Batt Trail. Mileage was 3.8 for the main hike with an additional mile for the added loop.

The quote from John Muir on the plaque commemorating the opening of these wonderful former ranchlands 20 years ago (June 1999) was perfect for today:
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, ... 
while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

06/19 - Huckleberry

Ten of us started from the Lower Pinehurst entrance and walked up the canyon and then clockwise around the Huckleberry loop with a lunch stop at the Skyline entrance. This is such an interesting walk with so many plants to stop and examine that the distance seems much longer than the 2 1/2 + miles we actually walked.

After the hike we adjourned to SiSi's in Moraga for coffee to celebrate Ron's 80th birthday (tomorrow).

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

06/12 - Pt. Pinole

After too many days of heat in the 90's, the SF Bay air conditioning began to re-establish itself and we headed west of the hills to take advantage of that phenomenon. There were interesting clouds and a delightfully refreshing breeze. We found the Calochortus we were looking for and Brodiaea elegans was a bonus surprise. Only 8 of us on this 3 mile hike* starting from the "new" Atlas Rd entrance.

*Geoff added an extra half mile by walking to the end of the pier and back :-)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

6/5 - 40th Anniversary luncheon

Today we celebrated 40 years of walking on Wednesdays. 23 of us -- some original members, some recent recruits -- enjoyed companionship and lunch (box lunches from Sunrise Catering in Walnut Creek) at the shaded Oak Grove Picnic area in Briones Regional Park. Most took a short walk before the program and food, but the day was very hot (90-ish) and there was little temptation to go very far.

And then there was THE SURPRISE...Jeanne was inspired to do something really special.  The luncheon committee would create something permanent to give everyone, something they could hold in their hand and look at when they wanted to – see their favorite hike or their friends hiking now or hiking years ago.  A true testament to the 40 life changing years 1979 – 2019. And so we created a book which was given out before lunch (and mailed to some who have moved out of the area or were unable to attend).

As Phred always says...Happy Trails!!!