Wednesday, April 25, 2018

04/25 - Perkins Canyon

12 seems to be the magic number. A dozen of us started from Morgan Territory Rd and walked out Meadow Tr and then up Perkins Tr (taking an extra up-hill bit on the Utility Rd because we missed the trail cut off), crossing the creek and continuing up to the ridge under the power lines. Then we came down Ray Morgan Rd, took the spur trail in to the 1st dam for lunch, and finally returned to the cars. Only 2 1/4 miles, but it seemed longer with the elevation changes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

4/18 Jepson Prairie Preserve

A dozen of us made the long drive to Jepson Prairie Preserve ( ) to see the flowers associated with the vernal pools. The walk was short on distance and big on ohhs and ahs.

Flower identification is "iffy" beyond the genus. There are 6 species of goldfields on the plant list, 8 of downingia, 3 Psilocarphus, and so on...

We headed over to Pleasant Valley and the Morningsun Herb Farm for lunch and a bit snooping/shopping.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

4/11 - Lime Ridge (WC Open Space)

There were a dozen of us today. We walked clockwise from the trailhead at Cowell Rd and then split into two groups of 6 at the intersection of Lime Ridge Tr with Manzanita Tr. One group took Manzanita Tr, an unnamed single track trail and Ohlone Tr (about 3.7 miles). The other group continued on Lime Ridge Tr, then Buckeye Tr to Ohlone (3 miles).

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

04/04 - Sunol

12 of us hiked at Sunol Regional Wilderness. But we split into two groups with the larger number of hikers going up Indian Joe trail to the pond and then taking Hayfield Tr back. They had lunch at the old barn. 3.46 miles.

The remaining 5 (including the photographer) turned east on Canyon View Tr and took that to Cerro Este Tr, then down to Ohlone Rd and back to the cars. Lunch beside Alameda Creek. 3.54 miles