Wednesday, March 28, 2018

3/28 - Donner and Back Canyons, Mt. Diablo

We started from the end of Mountaire Dr in Clayton (that's across the canyon from Regency Dr.) and split into 3 groups with Susan, Monique and John taking off for a mega-hike up over Meridian Ridge. Shirley led Jeanne, Juanita, Ron and Silvia on the Donner, Tickwood, Back loop; the remaining 7 added the Hetherrington Tr and about a half mile up Back Canyon. So distances were varied from about 3.3 to double that or more.

With all the water in the creeks, questions arose as to where the water goes. Here is what I found:

Historical creek map

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

03-07 - Shell Ridge

15 of us enjoyed a warm, sunny day at WCOS Shell Ridge Preserve. We started from the Sutherland Dr trailhead and turned immediately right (east) on the Fossil Hill Tr. We followed the Indian Creek Tr ESE and then walked North to Ginder Gap. There the group split with the larger number walking up to the ridge and the remainder following Corral Springs Tr along the north side of the ridge. We met at the big oak by Indian Valley Elementary School and completed our loop to the cars via Fossil Hill Tr. 3.54 for Ridge top group; 3.25 for the others.

The section of Fossil Hill closest to the entrance is being tended  and the plantings "enhanced" with big swaths of seeded in wildflowers...we saw Poppies, Chinese Houses, Popcorn flower, Phacelia, Yarrow, etc. There are hoses and flags marking plants of interest. Well worth a visit if you have a little bit of time as you don't need to walk very far.